

What is Equity?

Equity is the amount of capital that will be repaid to the lenders if all the profits were liquidated and the whole liability of the corporation is compensated. It is commonly referred to as shareholder equity or private investment for private holdings.

Equities are used in the balance sheet of a company and are one of the most important data items used by investors to analyze a company’s finances. It can also be termed as “Ownership interest of the shareholders in a corporation in the form of stock”.


What are Derivatives?

Derivatives are specific financial contracts that are signed between two parties with required specifications and conditions under which payments are to be made between the parties. The parties also make certain predictions about the underlying assets, such as stocks, indices, commodities like: oil, wheat, coffee, cotton, natural gas, silver, gold, electricity and currencies. And the parties involved are known as the Hedger and the Speculator. As we know, these two parties involved in the contract play a very important role, as they are the ones who make the final decisions.


Such contracts are financial instruments that involve a lot of risks. But they are very useful because of how they can be used for multiple purposes like additional assets, access to markets, and hedging.  Derivatives or financial contracts are of various types and the traders sign them as per their demand. The choices are– options, swaps, forwards, and futures. 


What is Commodity?

A commodity is an ingredient used to produce the finished products during the manufacturing process, while a product is a finished good sold to customers. A product that can be planted, extracted, or mined has no added value. Goods can also be purchased and sold in the exchanges’ physical states by futures contracts, stocks, and ETFs. Items are marketed on the general market and can also be included in the average consumer’s investment accounts. A commodity is a fundamental commodity used as an input for goods and services output. 

This means that factories use materials to turn them into everyday goods in the production process. Most products, including pneumatic, tea, ground beef, orange juice, and clothes, are found in consumers’ hands. Get to know the market for commodity goods.


What is Currency ?

Currency can be defined as a system of money in common use, especially for people in a nation, that does not require endorsement in serving as a medium of exchange. It is money in any form when it is in circulation, as a medium of exchange, and it is mostly found in the form of bank notes and coins.Some examples are – US Dollar ($), Euro (€), Pounds (£), and Japanese Yen (¥).  Currency is also a huge part of the trade market. Based on the economics of supply and demand, traders make their investments.

If there is a possibility of an increase in the value of a country’s currency, that would be purchased with the currency of another country. The difference between the values of these currencies works as the profit that the traders and investors make. Most commonly, the traders buy a currency by trading in a market and try to sell it in another currency form in order to gain a good margin. Many individuals try their luck and invest money in Currency Trading, which has a lot of risks as the prices of currencies are completely dependent on the activities of two different nations involved.


What are Intraday ?

As per the general rule of the stock market, a trader can purchase and sell the shares easily from the secondary market. There’s no time limit of buying and selling and traders can do transactions anytime to make maximum profits.

However, when it comes to intraday trading, the traders are required to buy and sell the shares on the same day. This trading is required to be done within the opening and closing position of the share market on the same day. In more simple terms, if you buy shares in the morning and sell it in the evening, then this trading is known as intraday trading

Though this trading is quite risky because of market volatility, one can earn excessive profits if he/she knows the market conditions and stay alert in every passing second. Intraday trading doesn’t impact Demat account as there’s no share delivery & net position remain zero at the end of the day.


What is a Mutual Fund Investment?

Mutual fund investment is the trust that gathers cash from various speculators who share a typical venture objective. At that point, it puts the cash in values, securities, currency advertise instruments as well as different protections. Every financial specialist possesses units, which speak to a bit of the property of the reserve. What are Mutual Funds? A Mutual Funds meaning when capital gathered by different financial specialists has put resources into acquiring organization offers, stocks, or securities.

Common by a large number of financial specialists, shared supports ventures are all things considered oversaw by an expert reserve director to gain the most elevated potential returns. This is the way common subsidizes work, in India as well as, anyplace on the planet. Putting resources into Mutual Fund basics is the most effortless approach to develop your riches. The reserve chief’s ability is a significant factor to consider while picking the store. Every single Mutual Fund’s meaning is directly related to the Securities Exchange and Board of India (SEBI) and thus, your venture is protected.


What are Loan?

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What is Insurance?

WE provide wide choice of insurance products of all life and general insurance companies in india.

We represents clients, are totally independent of insurance companies and render impartial advice to protect clients interests.